Wondering how to manage your own Familiar patrimony? I offer you to know the beginning of the ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN.

How useful is it? First, raise awareness of the importance of the decision. Second, give you ideas, and third, give you tools.

Contents of the Plan

After an introduction based on some reflections of the well-known author Lucas, Stuart E. in his work Management of Wealth: Keys to making the family wealth profitable, protecting, enjoying and sharing topics such as leadership, how to become a wealth strategist and the transmission of wealth will be discussed.

Questions about Wealth Management

Next, a test is proposed to evaluate its management:

  1. Do you think the issue of wealth management is beyond you? If yes, why?
  2. Have you thought and analyzed before hiring your wealth management advisers?
  3. Do you have a vested interest in managing your finances yourself?
  4. Who is your family's natural wealth strategist?
  5. Does your family communicate well about money matters?
  6. Is your family clear on how to plan wealth management?
  7. Have you spent time on this planning?
  8. Have you ever hired someone to manage your assets?
  9.  Do you know how to assess the merits and experience of potential advisers?
  10. Do you know the advantages of the Strategic Wealth Management Framework as a tool?

Wealth Management Principles

You will also find in the attached document the eight most important principles related to Wealth Management, which are:

  1. Take care of it as soon as you can.
  2. A family and business interests when setting wealth-building goals.
  3. Promote a culture of responsibility.
  4. Lean on all of your family's resources.
  5. Delegate, trust and respect the independence of the other members.
  6. It is interesting to diversify but with planning and focus.
  7. Develop simple plans and strategies
  8. Encourage suitable future family leaders for wealth management.

Finally, special emphasis is placed on the concept of mitigating risk.

At Bosch-Bages, you Notary of Barcelona can request this service.