What is the incorporation of a Limited Company

What is the incorporation of a Limited Company? The constitution of a limited society is governed by the current Law 14/2013, of September 27, whose regulations are derived from Royal Decree Law 13/2010. It was created to streamline the process and facilitate the creation of small and medium-sized companies, which constitute a powerful economic base for Spanish society.

The Limited Company is a capital company whose characteristic is based on the fact that the entrepreneur's liability only responds for the capital contributed. That is, there will be responsibility for the assets that you invest in the company, but they do not respond with their personal assets. Although this lack of personal responsibility will be excepted when the employer becomes the guarantor of the company, which then would incur full personal financial responsibility. 

Minimum capital contribution to the company

To set up a Limited Company (SL), the minimum capital contributed by the partners must add up to a minimum of 3.000 euros. This capital can be liquid or non-liquid, that is, providing its assets and patrimonial rights. 

How to contact

To learn more about Scripture, consultation more information in our Notary in Barcelona.