The mortgage dictionary is a section of the website that allows you to know in detail the definition of all the terms related to the contracting of a mortgage or mortgage product, one of the financial operations that must be thought about and analyzed the most because it involves a significant debt that will be paid over several years. The Notary Bosch-Bages of Barcelona wants with this page to facilitate the knowledge of the most important concepts related to this type of Notarial services related to mortgages.

TweetObligation to assess the solvency of the potential borrower

Prospects or probabilities that the debtor has of being able to face the debt contracted with the financial institution.

As provided in article 12 of the Real Estate Credits Law, it obliges the lender  in the pre-contractual sentence (phase in which the contract is agreed not yet entered into and not binding) to clearly and directly specify the necessary information that must be provided by the borrower in order to evaluate the solvency of the debtor party.  The debtor must provide the information within a period indicated by the creditor party, and this must be proportional and not exceed the limits necessary to proceed with the correct evaluation. 
Consult BOE Law 5/2019, of March 15, regulating real estate credit contracts
Tags: Law, Mortgage.
