Many people wonder if there is intestatenotarial service frequent. This article aims to answer this question.

Make a will It is not mandatory, but it is very convenient to do this legal act. People who have assets -one or several floors and real estate, savings, shares in companies, jewelry, paintings, works of art, valuable collections, etc.- it is logical that they want to decide on who will be the beneficiaries of it to leave it as The heritage and avoid complications or additional administrative procedures as well as waiting times.

The online It is the ideal vehicle to dispose of “mortis causa”. "Mortis-cause” means that it is available now, in the will, but the effects of this provision are developed at the death of the testator. 

If a person dies without a will, he dies without heirs designated by him and therefore the Law designates some heirs. These heirs in default of a will are called "intestate heirs”. The Law draws up a list based on a presumption of affection that is based on blood and emotional kinship (the spouse). 

However, in Spain there are various regulations in the matter of wills because together with the Civil Code what is the general regulation, there are regional regulations. Aragon, the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Galicia, Navarra and the Basque Country have their own civil regulations and which are also different from each other in each autonomy.

In conclusion, it is advisable to make a will if you have a . Even if it is small, it can be made available after death and it greatly facilitates the subsequent inheritance process for those people whom the owner wants to name as heirs to his living estate. Always knowing that an heir can give up an inheritance if he so decides.

It should also be taken into account that a real estate can be left as an inheritance to a relative but Leave the usufruct of the same to another person while he is alive, becoming the property of the heir when the usufructuary dies.

To make a will or find out about it, you can request it in our Barcelona notary.