The essential documentation and without which no notarial document can be made is the identification documentation of the parties. In this article we will explain the documents that the parties have to provide for a sale depending on whether it is a natural person with Spanish nationality, a foreigner or a company. 

Natural persons with Spanish nationality

In transmissions between Natural persons, on the day of signing it is an essential requirement to provide the original national identity documents, the DNI. The reason lies at Article 23 of the Law of Notaries, according to which the notaries will attest in the deed that they know the parties or have assured their identity by the means established in laws and regulations. The most common way is by referring to identity cards or identity documents with a portrait and signature issued by public authorities, the purpose of which is the identification of people


If a buyer or seller does not have Spanish nationality will have to provide the identity document of your nationality and, where appropriate, also the NEVER for tax identification. To be able to go to the notary only with the NIE, this must necessarily contain a photograph and signature. 


In the event that the buyer or seller is a society, the documentation that you will have to provide will be: 

  • Deed of appointment of the administrator or attorney-in-fact 
  • National Identity Document of the administrator or attorney-in-fact
  • Certificate of beneficial ownership: identifies the holders of more than 25% of the shares or participations of a company. 

In addition, in the event that the real estate that is bought or sold is part of the essential asset of the company, a certificate of agreement from the general meeting authorizing the sale must be provided. We recall that for a property to form part of the essential asset of the company, it must represent a minimum of 25% of its assets. 

For more information on documents required in a sale, click here