Notarial Dictionary

The notarial dictionary is a section of the website that allows you to know in detail the definition of all the terms related to the activity that takes place in an entity of this type. The Notary Bosch-Bages of Barcelona wants with this page to facilitate the knowledge of the most important concepts related to Notary services.

TweetPublic instrument concept

A public instrument is understood to be the groups included in article 17 of the Law of Notaries, which classifies them as: -Public deeds -Polizas -Notarial Acts.

  • Public deeds: Public document granted by a Notary who has certified its content, and that establishes or accredits declarations of will of the parties, legal acts that include consent, and contracts and legal businesses of all kinds. 
  • Policies: Type of contract or acts, which can be granted unilaterally or bilaterally, which exclusively include commercial or financial content. 
  • Notarial records: Certificate of presence of the Notary that leaves record and accredits facts or the perception of them, which are not susceptible to being acts or contracts classified as public deed. 

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