Notarial Dictionary

The notarial dictionary is a section of the website that allows you to know in detail the definition of all the terms related to the activity that takes place in an entity of this type. The Notary Bosch-Bages of Barcelona wants with this page to facilitate the knowledge of the most important concepts related to Notary services.

TweetLanguage of the public document

It is required that the language to be used in public instruments is Spanish, since this is the official language of Spain and will not give rise to doubts of significance and being easily understood by its citizens.

In the event that the grantor is a foreign person who do not know the official language, the law contemplates the use of the following procedures: 
  1. Traducción verbal of the content by the Notary, stating the fact of translation. 
  2. Traducción writing in the same document or public instrument, resulting in a bilingual text (writing the text in a double column, one for each language). 
  3. Assistance may be required from an official interpreter, responsible for making the appropriate translations. 
Cases of regional dialects: In the event that the grantor wishes the language of the public document in a language or dialect other than Spanish, only the second option in the previous section will be possible, provided that the following requirements are met:
                  • The instrument is granted in the territory in which the language or dialect required by the grantor is spoken. 
                  • That all or some of the grantors are natives of said territory. 
                  • That the bilingual written translation is requested by one of the grantors. 
                  • That the Notary public clearly understands the language or dialect in question. 

Tags: Notary, Notary.
