This dictionary is part of the inheritance related services which are explained on our website. The objective is that people who are planning an inheritance or are going to receive it can know in detail the definition of all the terms related to this important act that is included within the Right of succession.

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TweetRevocation of succession agreements

The general rule of succession agreements is that they are irrevocable, and may be revocable if some assessed exceptions are met.

The legal system contemplates some exceoptions assessed in articles 431-13 to 431-17 CCCat, that concurring any of them, the contract can be annulled:  1º Incurring the heir or favored one because of indignity (art. 412-3).  2 º The grantors of a succession agreement may revoke unilaterally the pact if any of the causes expressly agreed upon, or for breach of the charges imposed on the favored.   3rd Due to the impossibility of fulfilling the purpose that was determining the agreement or some their provisions, or there is a substantial, sudden and unpredictable change of the circumstances that constituted its foundation, giving rise to the application of the Rebus Sic clause Standby en el supposed of successions.   4th Marital crisis or the stable union of a couple, with respect to the attributions that have been mutually granted. I also know loses the fourth vidual (article 452-2 CCCat).   Source: Catalan Succession Law by Javier Gómez Taboada.
BOE - Book IV Civil Code of Catalonia
Tags: Succession agreement.
