This dictionary is part of the inheritance related services which are explained on our website. The objective is that people who are planning an inheritance or are going to receive it can know in detail the definition of all the terms related to this important act that is included within the Right of succession.

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TweetLegacy of aliquot part

Right of the legatee to claim the aliquot part from the heir.

Attributes to the legatee the right to be awarded assets of the liquid hereditary asset for the value corresponding to the aliquot part set by the deceased, being able give the possibility de that the heir pay him in money, even if this is not exist in inheritance. The legateThe river, unlike the heir, is not liable as a debtor of the obligations and hereditary charges. The right of the legatee depends of inheritance assets, due to that if supervening debts appear, the legatee must reimburse to the heir the difference between the value originally set in the aliquot part and its real value, given the amount of the legacy asset. Source: Inheritance Law of Catalonia by Javier Gómez Taboada. Editorial Lex Nova, S.A.
BOE - Book IV Civil Code of Catalonia
Tags: Legitimate, Inheritance.
