This dictionary is part of the inheritance related services which are explained on our website. The objective is that people who are planning an inheritance or are going to receive it can know in detail the definition of all the terms related to this important act that is included within the Right of succession.

If you wish, you can make an online consultation to the notary or request an appointment to have a videoconference with the notary and ask about any questions. This type of online notarial service is ideal when it is not required to prepare documents. Click on the following link: online notary to request information. 

Another online service that we can offer you is the request fast simple copies online. Fill in the form on the page and you can request your simple copy electronically.

TweetTestamentary memory

Private document that complements a will.

The purpose of the report is the provisions that do not exceed 10% of the relict estate and that refer to money, personal items, jewelry, clothing and household items.

Tags: Succession title.
